Jaap Kamps' World
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This is Jaap Kamps' home page.
I am associate professor of Information Retrieval at the Faculty of Humanities. My research is part of the Institute for Logic, Language, and Computation. Both are part of the University of Amsterdam.
Visiting address:
- Archives and Information Studies/Humanities, University of Amsterdam, Turfdraagsterpad 9, NL-1012XT AMSTERDAM, The Netherlands, Room 2.17.
- LAB42, University of Amsterdam, Science Park 900, NL-1098XH AMSTERDAM, The Netherlands, Room 6.48
Postal address:
- University of Amsterdam, PO Box 94550, NL-1090GN AMSTERDAM, The Netherlands.
My research covers various aspects of Information Storage and Retrieval, see
Conferences and Workshops:
- ECIR'23: 45th European Conference on Information Retrieval.
- SIGIR'20: 43rd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval.
- ICTIR'17: 3rd ACM International Conference on the Theory of Information Retrieval.
- TPDL'17: 21st International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries.
- SCST'17: CHIIR'17 Workshop on Supporting Complex Search Tasks.
- CLEF'16: 7th CLEF Conference on Experimental Information Retrieval.
- SEXI'16: WSDM'16 Workshop on Search and Exploration of X-rated Information.
- CLEF'15: 6th CLEF Conference on Experimental Information Retrieval.
- GSB'15: SIGIR'15 Workshop on Graph Search and Beyond.
- SCST'15: ECIR'15 Workshop on Supporting Complex Search Tasks.
- ESAIR'14: CIKM'14 Workshop on Exploiting Semantic Annotations in Information Retrieval.
- ESAIR'13: CIKM'13 Workshop on Exploiting Semantic Annotations in Information Retrieval.
- ECIR'13: 35th European Conference on Information Retrieval.
- SEXI'13: WSDM'13 Workshop on Search and Exploration of X-rated Information.
- ESAIR'12: CIKM'12 Workshop on Exploiting Semantic Annotations in Information Retrieval.
- IIiX'12: Fourth Symposium on Information Interaction in Context.
IR evaluation efforts:
Externally funded research projects:
- OpenGov: Artificial Intelligence for Open Government.
- HAICu: digital Humanities Artificial Intelligence Cultural heritage.
- AIDA: AI for Due-diligence Analysis (part of the AI4FinTech Lab).
- CUE: Creative User Empowerment.
Access to City Councils using Exploratory Search Systems.
- DiLiPaD:
Digging into Linked Parliamentary Data (plus E-science).
- ExPoSe:
Exploratory Political Search (plus CDH).
- meSch:
Material EncounterS with digital Cultural Heritage.
- WebART:
Web Archive Retrieval Tools (plus WebARTplus).
- v-must:
Virtual Museum Transnational Network.
Retrieving Encoded Archival Descriptions More Effectively.
- EfFoRT:
Effective Focused Retrieval Techniques.
- MuSeUM:
Multiple-collection Searching Using Metadata (plus MuSeUMplus).
- MultiMATCH:
Multilingual/Multimedia Access To Cultural Heritage.
Here is more information about recent projects:
- Most of the courses I'm involved in can be found here.