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Here are some of the WordNet visualization scripts.

A. WordNet from the vista point of a single word


  1. noun bank depth 3, familiarity 1.


  1. verb be depth 1, familiarity 1;
  2. verb be depth 2, familiarity 1;
  3. verb be depth 3, familiarity 1;
  4. verb be depth 3, familiarity 2;
  5. verb be depth 3, familiarity 3;
  6. verb be depth 3, familiarity 4;
  7. verb be depth 3, familiarity 5;
  8. verb be depth 3, familiarity 6; and
  9. verb be depth 4, familiarity 6.


  1. noun canary depth 3, familiarity 1.


  1. noun dough depth 3, familiarity 1.


  1. adjective good depth 1, familiarity 1;
  2. adjective good depth 2, familiarity 1;
  3. adjective good depth 3, familiarity 1;
  4. adjective good depth 4, familiarity 1;
  5. adjective good depth 4, familiarity 3; and
  6. adjective good depth 4, familiarity 6.

B. WordNet from the vista point of two words

good and bad

  1. adjectives good and bad depth 4, familiarity 2; and
  2. adjectives good and bad depth 4, familiarity 3.

C. Documentation

Some documentation may be found in the following articles