ESAIR'13: Sixth International Workshop on

Exploiting Semantic Annotations in Information Retrieval

Workshop Homepage Call for Papers Program Organizers


Will be published in the ACM Digital Library.


The program consists of invited keynotes, short paper presentations, breakout groups, and a report out and final discussion.


ESAIR 2013 was held on Monday October 28, 2013, in Room Salons A-E at the San Francisco Airport Marriott Waterfront hotel in Burlingame, CA, USA.

Invited Speakers

Accepted Papers

Breakout Group Reports and Final Discussion


July 19, 2013Deadline for Paper Submissions (extended!)
 Prepare your 2+1 page PDF using the ACM format
Submit online using EasyChair
August 7, 2013Notification of Acceptance
 Details of accepted papers published online
August 25, 2013Deadline for Camera Ready Copies
October 28, 2013Workshop day during CIKM 2013!


This workshop will be held as part of the 22nd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, San Francisco, 2013. Information on San Francisco can be found in the Wikipedia.