
  author = {Hugo C. Huurdeman},
  title = {Supporting the Complex Dynamics of the Information Seeking Process},
  type = {{SIKS} Dissertation Series 2018-05},
  school = {University of Amsterdam},
  year = 2018,
  project = {WebART}
  author = {Thaer Samar},
  title = {Access to and Retrievability of Content in Web Archives},
  type = {{SIKS} Dissertation Series 2017-32},
  school = {University of Nijmegen},
  year = 2017,
  project = {WebART}
  author = {Hugo C. Huurdeman},
  title = {Dynamic Compositions: Recombining Search User Interface Features for Supporting Complex Work Tasks},
  booktitle = {SCST'17: Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Supporting Complex Search Tasks},
  pages = {21--24},
  year = {2017},
  project = {WebART}
  author = {Mark Michael Hall and 
                          Hugo C. Huurdeman and 
                          Marijn Koolen and 
                          Mette Skov and 
                          David Walsh},
  title = {Overview of the INEX 2014 Interactive Social Book Search Track.},
  booktitle = {CLEF (Working Notes)},
  year = {2014},
  pages = {480--493},
  optee = {},
  project = {WebART}
  author = {Lotte Belice Baltussen and Jaap Blom and Le{\"\i}la Medjkoune and Radu Pop and Jasmijn Van Gorp and Hugo C. Huurdeman and Leidi Haaijer},
  title = {Hard Content, Fab Front-End: Archiving Websites of Dutch Public Broadcasters},
  journal = {Alexandria},
  year = {2014},
  volume = {25},
  optnumber = {1-2},
  pages = {69--91},
  optmonth = {August},
  note = {Special issue on web archiving},
  doi = {},
  project = {WebART}
  author = {Anat Ben-David and Hugo C. Huurdeman},
  title = {Web Archive Search as Research: Methodological and Theoretical Implications},
  journal = {Alexandria},
  year = {2014},
  volume = {25},
  optnumber = {1-2},
  pages = {92--111},
  optmonth = {August},
  note = {Special issue on web archiving},
  doi = {},
  project = {WebART}
  author = {Anat Ben-David},
  title = {Mapping Minority Web-spaces: The Case of the Arabic Web-space in Israel},
  booktitle = {Ethnic Minorities and Media in the Holy Land},
  editor = {Caspi Dan and Nelly Elias},
  publisher = {Vallentine Mitchell},
  year = 2014,
  pages = {137--157},
  project = {WebART}
  author = {Anat Ben-David},
  title = {Israeli Palestinian conflict},
  booktitle = {Encyclopedia of Social Media and Politics},
  editor = {Kerric Harvey},
  publisher = {SAGE},
  year = 2014,
  volume = {9},
  pages = {741-744},
  doi = {},
  project = {WebART}
  author = {Anat Ben-David},
  title = {Speak2Tweet},
  booktitle = {Encyclopedia of Social Media and Politics},
  editor = {Kerric Harvey},
  publisher = {SAGE},
  year = 2014,
  volume = {20},
  pages = {1196--1197},
  doi = {},
  project = {WebART}
  author = {Hugo C. Huurdeman and
               Anat Ben-David and
               Thaer Sammar},
  title = {Sprint methods for web archive research},
  booktitle = {WebSci'13: Proceedings of the 5th Annual ACM Web Science Conference},
  year = {2013},
  pages = {182--190},
  publisher = {ACM},
  doi = {},
  project = {WebART}
  author = {Anat Ben-David},
  title = {The {P}alestinian diaspora on the {W}eb: Between de-territorialization and re-territorialization},
  journal = {Social Science Information},
  year = {2012},
  volume = {51},
  number = {4},
  pages = {459--474},
  month = {December},
  doi = {},
  project = {WebART}
  author = {Hugo C. Huurdeman and
               Jaap Kamps and
               Marijn Koolen and
               Justin van Wees},
  title = {Using Collaborative Filtering in Social Book Search},
  editor = {Pamela Forner and Jussi Karlgren and Christa Womser-Hacker},
  booktitle = {CLEF 2012 Evaluation Labs and Workshop, Online Working Notes, Rome, Italy, September 17-20, 2012},
  year = {2012},
  pdf = {2012/huur_usin12.pdf},
  project = {README,WebART}
  author = {Marijn Koolen and Jaap Kamps and Hugo C. Huurdeman},
  title = {University of {A}msterdam at the {TREC} 2012 Contextual Suggestion Track: Exploiting Community-based Suggestions from Wikitravel},
  booktitle = {The Twenty-First Text REtrieval Conference (TREC 2012) Notebook},
  optpages = {},
  year = {2012},
  opteditor = {},
  publisher = {National Institute for Standards and Technology},
  project = {README,WebART},
  pdf = {2012/kool_univ12.pdf}
  author = {Marijn Koolen and Jaap Kamps and Hugo C. Huurdeman},
  title = {Contextual Suggestion from Wikitravel:
Exploiting Community-Based Suggestions},
  booktitle = {The Twenty-First Text REtrieval Conference Proceedings (TREC 2012)},
  optpages = {},
  year = {2013},
  editor = {Ellen M. Voorhees and Lori P. Buckland},
  publisher = {National Institute for Standards and Technology: NIST Special Publication 500-298},
  project = {README,WebART},
  pdf = {2013/kool_cont13.pdf}
  author = {Marijn Koolen and Jaap Kamps and Hugo C. Huurdeman},
  title = {University of {A}msterdam at the {TREC} 2013 Contextual Suggestion Track: Learning User Preferences from Wikitravel Categories},
  booktitle = {The Twenty-Second Text REtrieval Conference (TREC 2013) Notebook},
  optpages = {},
  year = {2013},
  opteditor = {},
  publisher = {National Institute for Standards and Technology},
  project = {README,WebART},
  pdf = {2013/kool_univ13.pdf}
  author = {Marijn Koolen and Jaap Kamps and Hugo C. Huurdeman},
  title = {University of {A}msterdam at the {TREC} 2013 Contextual Suggestion Track: Learning User Preferences from Wikitravel Categories},
  booktitle = {The Twenty-Second Text REtrieval Conference Proceedings (TREC 2013)},
  optpages = {},
  year = {2014},
  editor = {Ellen M. Voorhees},
  publisher = {National Institute for Standards and Technology. NIST Special Publication 500-302},
  project = {README,WebART},
  pdf = {2014/kool_univ14.pdf}
  author = {Thaer Samar and Hugo C. Huurdeman and Anat Ben-David and Jaap Kamps and Arjen P. de Vries},
  title = {Uncovering the Unarchived Web},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 37th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval},
  publisher = {ACM Press, New York NY},
  optpages = {},
  year = 2014,
  project = {WebART},
  pdf = {2014/sama_unco14.pdf}
  author = {Hugo C. Huurdeman and Jaap Kamps},
  title = {From Multistage Information-Seeking Models to Multistage Search Systems},
  booktitle = {IIiX'14: Proceedings of the Fifth Information Interaction in Context Conference},
  optpages = {},
  year = {2014},
  opteditor = {},
  publisher = {ACM Press, New York NY},
  project = {WebART},
  pdf = {2014/huur_from14.pdf},
  note = {Best presentation award}
  author = {Hugo C. Huurdeman and Anat Ben-David and Jaap Kamps and Thaer Samar and Arjen P. de Vries},
  title = {Finding Pages on the Unarchived Web},
  booktitle = {DL'14: Proceedings of the Digital Library Conference},
  optpages = {},
  year = {2014},
  opteditor = {},
  publisher = {ACM Press, New York NY},
  project = {WebART},
  pdf = {2014/huur_find14.pdf},
  note = {Runner up for the best paper award}
  author = {Hugo C. Huurdeman and
               Jaap Kamps and
               Marijn Koolen},
  title = {Effective Metadata for Social Book Search from a User Perspective},
  pages = {543--548},
  opteditor = {Linda Cappellato and
               Nicola Ferro and
               Martin Halvey and
               Wessel Kraaij},
  booktitle = {Working Notes for {CLEF} 2014 Conference},
  series = {{CEUR} Workshop Proceedings},
  year = {2014},
  volume = {1180},
  publisher = {},
  project = {ExPoSe WebART README},
  pdf = {2014/huur_effe14.pdf}
  author = {Patrice Bellot and
               Toine Bogers and
               Shlomo Geva and
               Mark M. Hall and
               Hugo C. Huurdeman and
               Jaap Kamps and
               Gabriella Kazai and
               Marijn Koolen and
               V{\'{e}}ronique Moriceau and
               Josiane Mothe and
               Michael Preminger and
               Eric SanJuan and
               Ralf Schenkel and
               Mette Skov and
               Xavier Tannier and
               David Walsh},
  title = {Overview of {INEX} 2014},
  opteditor = {Evangelos Kanoulas and
               Mihai Lupu and
               Paul D. Clough and
               Mark Sanderson and
               Mark M. Hall and
               Allan Hanbury and
               Elaine G. Toms},
  booktitle = {CLEF 2014: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of the {CLEF} Initiative},
  series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  volume = {8685},
  publisher = {Springer},
  year = {2014},
  pages = {212--228},
  project = {ExPoSe WebART README},
  pdf = {2014/bell_over14.pdf}
  author = {Maria G{\"a}de and Mark M. Hall and Hugo C. Huurdeman and Jaap Kamps and Marijn Koolen and Mette Skov and Elaine Toms and David Walsh},
  title = {Supporting Complex Search Tasks: {ECIR 2015} Workshop},
  booktitle = {Advances in Information Retrieval: 37th European Conference on IR Research (ECIR 2015)},
  opteditor = {},
  optpages = {},
  series = {LNCS},
  optvolume = {},
  project = {WebART ExPoSe},
  publisher = {Springer},
  year = 2015,
  pdf = {2015/gade_supp15.pdf}
  title = {SCST'15: Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Supporting Complex Search Tasks},
  year = 2015,
  booktitle = {SCST'15: Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Supporting Complex Search Tasks},
  editor = {Maria G{\"a}de and Mark M. Hall and Hugo C. Huurdeman and Jaap Kamps and Marijn Koolen and Mette Skov and Elaine Toms and David Walsh},
  volume = 1338,
  series = {Workshop Proceedings},
  organization = {CEUR},
  project = {WebART ExPoSe},
  url = {}
  author = {Hugo C. Huurdeman and Jaap Kamps and Thaer Samar and
                  Arjen P. de Vries and Anat Ben{-}David and Richard
                  A. Rogers},
  title = {Lost but not forgotten: finding pages on the
                  unarchived web},
  journal = {International Journal on Digital Libraries},
  volume = 16,
  optnumber = {3--4},
  pages = {247--265},
  year = 2015,
  opturl = {},
  optdoi = {10.1007/s00799-015-0153-3},
  project = {WebART},
  pdf = {2015/huur_lost15.pdf}
  author = {Maria G{\"{a}}de and
               Mark M. Hall and
               Hugo C. Huurdeman and
               Jaap Kamps and
               Marijn Koolen and
               Mette Skov and
               Elaine Toms and
               David Walsh},
  title = {Report on the First Workshop on Supporting Complex Search Tasks},
  journal = {{SIGIR} Forum},
  volume = {49},
  number = {1},
  pages = {50--56},
  year = {2015},
  opturl = {},
  project = {WebART ExPoSe},
  pdf = {2015/gade_repo15.pdf}
  author = {Marijn Koolen and Toine Bogers and Maria G{\"a}de and Mark M. Hall and Hugo C. Huurdeman and Jaap Kamps and Mette Skov and Elaine Toms and David Walsh},
  title = {Overview of the {CLEF 2015} Social Book Search Lab},
  booktitle = {CLEF'15: Experimental IR meets Multilinguality, Multimodality, and Interaction},
  year = 2015,
  opteditor = {Josiane Mothe and Jacques Savoy and Jaap Kamps and Karen Pinel-Sauvagnat and Gareth J. F. Jones and Eric SanJuan and Linda Cappellato and Nicola Ferro},
  volume = 9283,
  series = {LNCS},
  publisher = {Springer},
  project = {ExPoSe WebART},
  pdf = {2015/kool_over15.pdf}
  author = {Maria G{\"a}de and Mark M. Hall and Hugo C. Huurdeman and Jaap Kamps and Marijn Koolen and Mette Skov and Elaine Toms and David Walsh},
  title = {Overview of the {SBS 2015} Interactive Track},
  booktitle = {CLEF'15 Working Notes},
  publisher = {CEUR-WS},
  year = 2015,
  url = {},
  project = {ExPoSe WebART},
  pdf = {2015/gade_over15.pdf}
  author = {Marijn Koolen and Toine Bogers and Jaap Kamps},
  title = {Overview of the {SBS 2015} Suggestion Track},
  booktitle = {CLEF'15 Working Notes},
  publisher = {CEUR-WS},
  year = 2015,
  url = {},
  project = {ExPoSe WebART},
  pdf = {2015/kool_over15b.pdf}
  author = {Hugo C. Huurdeman and Jaap Kamps and Marijn Koolen and Sanna Kumpulainen},
  title = {The Value of Multistage Search Systems for Book Search},
  booktitle = {CLEF'15 Working Notes},
  publisher = {CEUR-WS},
  year = 2015,
  url = {},
  project = {ExPoSe WebART},
  pdf = {2015/huur_valu15.pdf}
  author = {Hugo C. Huurdeman and Jaap Kamps},
  title = {Supporting the Process: Adapting Search Systems to Search Stages},
  booktitle = {The Third European Conference on Information Literacy (ECIL)},
  publisher = {Tallin University},
  year = 2015,
  project = {WebART},
  pdf = {2015/huur_supp15.pdf}
  author = {Hugo C. Huurdeman and Jaap Kamps and Thaer Samar and
                  Arjen P. de Vries and Anat Ben{-}David and Richard
                  A. Rogers},
  title = {Lost but not forgotten: finding pages on the
                  unarchived web (extended abstract)},
  opteditors = {Artem Grotov and Christophe Van Gysel and Evangelos Kanoulas and Hosein Azarbonyad and Nikos Voskarides and Petra Best and Xinyi Li},
  booktitle = {DIR'15: Proceedings of the 14th Dutch-Belgian Information Retrieval Workshop},
  pages = {12},
  year = {2015},
  publisher = {University of Amsterdam},
  project = {WebART},
  pdf = {2015/huur_lost15b.pdf}
  author = {Hugo C. Huurdeman and Jaap Kamps},
  title = {From Multistage Information-Seeking Models to Multistage Search Systems (extended abstract)},
  opteditors = {Artem Grotov and Christophe Van Gysel and Evangelos Kanoulas and Hosein Azarbonyad and Nikos Voskarides and Petra Best and Xinyi Li},
  booktitle = {DIR'15: Proceedings of the 14th Dutch-Belgian Information Retrieval Workshop},
  pages = {19},
  year = {2015},
  publisher = {University of Amsterdam},
  project = {WebART},
  pdf = {2015/huur_from15.pdf}
  author = {Hugo C. Huurdeman and Max L. Wilson and Jaap Kamps},
  title = {Active and Passive Utility of Search Interface Features in Different Information Seeking Task Stages},
  booktitle = {CHIIR'16: Proceedings of the 2016 ACM on Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval},
  year = {2016},
  pages = {3--12},
  opturl = {},
  publisher = {ACM},
  project = {WebART},
  pdf = {2016/huur_acti16.pdf},
  note = {Best Paper Honorable Mention}
  author = {Marijn Koolen and
               Toine Bogers and
               Maria G{\"{a}}de and
               Mark M. Hall and
               Iris Hendrickx and
               Hugo C. Huurdeman and
               Jaap Kamps and
               Mette Skov and
               Suzan Verberne and
               David Walsh},
  title = {Overview of the {CLEF} 2016 Social Book Search Lab},
  booktitle = {CLEF'16: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference of the {CLEF} Association},
  year = {2016},
  series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  volume = {9822},
  publisher = {Springer},
  opturl = {},
  doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-44564-9_29},
  project = {WebART},
  pdf = {2016/kool_over16.pdf}
  author = {Maria G{\"{a}}de and
               Mark M. Hall and
               Hugo C. Huurdeman and
               Jaap Kamps and
               Marijn Koolen and
               Mette Skov and
               Toine Bogers and
               David Walsh},
  title = {Overview of the {SBS} 2016 Interactive Track},
  booktitle = {Working Notes of {CLEF} 2016},
  pages = {1024--1038},
  series = {{CEUR} Workshop Proceedings},
  volume = {1609},
  publisher = {},
  year = {2016},
  opturl = {},
  project = {WebART},
  pdf = {2016/gade_over16.pdf}
  author = {Hugo C. Huurdeman and Max L. Wilson and Jaap Kamps},
  title = {Clicked or Just Looked at? Understanding User Interface Usage across Information Seeking Stages},
  opteditors = {Robin Aly and Guanliang Chen and Dan Davis and Claudia Hauff},
  booktitle = {DIR'16: Proceedings of the 15th Dutch-Belgian Information Retrieval Workshop},
  optpages = {},
  year = {2016},
  publisher = {Delft University of Technology},
  project = {WebART},
  pdf = {2016/huur_clic16.pdf}
  author = {Hugo C. Huurdeman and Jaap Kamps},
  title = {A Collaborative Approach to Research Data Management in a Web Archive Context},
  opteditor = {Filip Kruse, Filip and Jesper Boserup Thestrup},
  booktitle = {Research Data Management -- A European Perspective},
  pages = {55--78},
  year = {2017},
  series = {Current Topics in Library and Information Practice},
  project = {WebART},
  pdf = {2017/huur_coll17.pdf}
  author    = Samarth Bhargav and
               Nanne van Noord and
               Jaap Kamps,
  title     = Data-driven Research Aiding Film Theory (Demonstration),
  booktitle = SEMIA'19: Proceedings of the Sensory Moving Image Archives Symposium,
  OPTpages     = 61--68,
  year      = 2019,
  publisher = UvA CREATE,
  project =      CREATE,ACCESS,
  OPTpdf =	         2019/bhar_draf19.pdf,
  author = {Hugo C. Huurdeman and
               Jaap Kamps and
               Max L. Wilson},
  title = {The Multi-Stage Experience: the Simulated Work Task Approach to Studying Information Seeking Stages},
  booktitle = {BIIR@CHIIR'19: Proceedings of the {CHIIR} 2019 Workshop on Barriers to Interactive {IR} Resources Re-use},
  pages = {7--13},
  series = {{CEUR} Workshop Proceedings},
  volume = {2337},
  publisher = {},
  year = {2019},
  url = {},
  project = {WebART,ACCESS},
  pdf = {2019/huur_mult19.pdf}
@comment{{From 2019...}}
  author = {Hugo C. Huurdeman and Jaap Kamps},
  title = {Designing Multistage Search Systems to Support the Information Seeking Process},
  opteditor = {Wai-Tat Fu and Herre van Oostendorp},
  booktitle = {Understanding and Improving Information Search: A Cognitive Approach},
  pages = {113--137},
  publisher = {Springer},
  series = {Human-Computer Interaction Series},
  optvolume = {},
  doi = {},
  year = {2020},
  project = {WebART},
  pdf = {2020/huur_desi20.pdf}
@comment{{TREC proceedings}}
@comment{{SIGIR proc}}
@comment{{CLEF Conference}}
  editor    = Avi Arampatzis and
               Evangelos Kanoulas and
               Theodora Tsikrika and
               Stefanos Vrochidis and
               Hideo Joho and
               Christina Lioma and
               Carsten Eickhoff and
               Aur\'elie N\'ev\'eol and
               Linda Cappellato and
               Nicola Ferro,
  title     = Experimental IR Meets Multilinguality, Multimodality, and Interaction
               - 11th International Conference of the CLEF Association, CLEF
               2020, Thessaloniki, Greece, September 22-25, 2020, Proceedings,
  series    = Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
  volume    = 12260,
  publisher = Springer,
  year      = 2020,
  url       =,
  doi       = 10.1007/978-3-030-58219-7,
  isbn      = 978-3-030-58218-0,
  timestamp = Mon, 30 Nov 2020 11:38:56 +0100,
  biburl    =,
  bibsource = dblp computer science bibliography,,
@comment{{CLEF WN}}
  editor    = Linda Cappellato and
               Carsten Eickhoff and
               Nicola Ferro and
               Aur\'elie N\'ev\'eol,
  title     = Working Notes of CLEF 2020 - Conference and Labs of the Evaluation
               Forum, Thessaloniki, Greece, September 22-25, 2020,
  series    = CEUR Workshop Proceedings,
  volume    = 2696,
  publisher =,
  year      = 2020,
  url       =,
  urn       = urn:nbn:de:0074-2696-0,
  OPTtimestamp = Mon, 30 Nov 2020 11:39:29 +0100,
  OPTbiburl    =,
  OPTbibsource = dblp computer science bibliography,,
@comment{{TREC WN}}
@comment{{NLE: from 2019...}}
@comment{{TREC Proc}}
@comment{{CLEF'21 proc}}
@comment{{CLEF'21 track}}
@comment{{TREC'21 notebook}}
@comment{{CLIN Journal}}
  author = Ruben van Heusden and Maarten Marx and Jaap Kamps,
  title = Neural Coreference Resolution for Dutch Parliamentary Documents with the DutchParliament Dataset,
  journal = Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands Journal,
  volume = 11,
  optpages = ,
  year = 2022,
  project = ACCESS,
  pdf = 2022/heus_neur22.pdf
@comment{{ICTIR WOO}}
@comment{{ICTIR B^3}}
@comment{{ICTIR NLP}}
@comment{{CLEF LNCS}}
@comment{{CLEF CEUR T1}}
@comment{{CLEF CEUR T2}}
@comment{{CLEF CEUR T3}}
@comment{{CLEF CEUR UvA}}
@comment{{TREC WN}}
@comment{{TREC Proceedings}}
@comment{{ECIR Demo}}
@comment{{ECIR CLEF}}
@comment{{ECIR Proceedings x 3}}
@comment{{CLEF LNCS}}
@comment{{CLEF CEUR T1}}
@comment{{CLEF CEUR T3}}
@comment{{CLEF CEUR Amsterdam}}
@comment{{TREC WN DL}}

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