[39] | Hugo C. Huurdeman and Jaap Kamps. Designing multistage search systems to support the information seeking process. In Understanding and Improving Information Search: A Cognitive Approach, Human-Computer Interaction Series, pages 113-137. Springer, 2020. [ bib | DOI | .pdf ] |
[38] | Hugo C. Huurdeman, Jaap Kamps, and Max L. Wilson. The multi-stage experience: the simulated work task approach to studying information seeking stages. In BIIR@CHIIR'19: Proceedings of the CHIIR 2019 Workshop on Barriers to Interactive IR Resources Re-use, volume 2337 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, pages 7-13. CEUR-WS.org, 2019. [ bib | .pdf | .pdf ] |
[37] | Hugo C. Huurdeman. Supporting the Complex Dynamics of the Information Seeking Process. SIKS dissertation series 2018-05, University of Amsterdam, 2018. [ bib ] |
[36] | Thaer Samar. Access to and Retrievability of Content in Web Archives. SIKS dissertation series 2017-32, University of Nijmegen, 2017. [ bib ] |
[35] | Hugo C. Huurdeman. Dynamic compositions: Recombining search user interface features for supporting complex work tasks. In SCST'17: Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Supporting Complex Search Tasks, pages 21-24, 2017. [ bib ] |
[34] | Hugo C. Huurdeman and Jaap Kamps. A collaborative approach to research data management in a web archive context. In Research Data Management - A European Perspective, Current Topics in Library and Information Practice, pages 55-78, 2017. [ bib | .pdf ] |
[33] | Hugo C. Huurdeman, Max L. Wilson, and Jaap Kamps. Active and passive utility of search interface features in different information seeking task stages. In CHIIR'16: Proceedings of the 2016 ACM on Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval, pages 3-12. ACM, 2016. Best Paper Honorable Mention. [ bib | .pdf ] |
[32] | Marijn Koolen, Toine Bogers, Maria Gäde, Mark M. Hall, Iris Hendrickx, Hugo C. Huurdeman, Jaap Kamps, Mette Skov, Suzan Verberne, and David Walsh. Overview of the CLEF 2016 social book search lab. In CLEF'16: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference of the CLEF Association, volume 9822 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer, 2016. [ bib | DOI | .pdf ] |
[31] | Maria Gäde, Mark M. Hall, Hugo C. Huurdeman, Jaap Kamps, Marijn Koolen, Mette Skov, Toine Bogers, and David Walsh. Overview of the SBS 2016 interactive track. In Working Notes of CLEF 2016, volume 1609 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, pages 1024-1038. CEUR-WS.org, 2016. [ bib | .pdf ] |
[30] | Hugo C. Huurdeman, Max L. Wilson, and Jaap Kamps. Clicked or just looked at? understanding user interface usage across information seeking stages. In DIR'16: Proceedings of the 15th Dutch-Belgian Information Retrieval Workshop. Delft University of Technology, 2016. [ bib | .pdf ] |
[29] | Maria Gäde, Mark M. Hall, Hugo C. Huurdeman, Jaap Kamps, Marijn Koolen, Mette Skov, Elaine Toms, and David Walsh. Supporting complex search tasks: ECIR 2015 workshop. In Advances in Information Retrieval: 37th European Conference on IR Research (ECIR 2015), LNCS. Springer, 2015. [ bib | .pdf ] |
[28] | Maria Gäde, Mark M. Hall, Hugo C. Huurdeman, Jaap Kamps, Marijn Koolen, Mette Skov, Elaine Toms, and David Walsh, editors. SCST'15: Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Supporting Complex Search Tasks, volume 1338 of Workshop Proceedings. CEUR, 2015. [ bib | http ] |
[27] | Hugo C. Huurdeman, Jaap Kamps, Thaer Samar, Arjen P. de Vries, Anat Ben-David, and Richard A. Rogers. Lost but not forgotten: finding pages on the unarchived web. International Journal on Digital Libraries, 16:247-265, 2015. [ bib | .pdf ] |
[26] | Maria Gäde, Mark M. Hall, Hugo C. Huurdeman, Jaap Kamps, Marijn Koolen, Mette Skov, Elaine Toms, and David Walsh. Report on the first workshop on supporting complex search tasks. SIGIR Forum, 49(1):50-56, 2015. [ bib | .pdf ] |
[25] | Marijn Koolen, Toine Bogers, Maria Gäde, Mark M. Hall, Hugo C. Huurdeman, Jaap Kamps, Mette Skov, Elaine Toms, and David Walsh. Overview of the CLEF 2015 social book search lab. In CLEF'15: Experimental IR meets Multilinguality, Multimodality, and Interaction, volume 9283 of LNCS. Springer, 2015. [ bib | .pdf ] |
[24] | Maria Gäde, Mark M. Hall, Hugo C. Huurdeman, Jaap Kamps, Marijn Koolen, Mette Skov, Elaine Toms, and David Walsh. Overview of the SBS 2015 interactive track. In CLEF'15 Working Notes. CEUR-WS, 2015. [ bib | .pdf | .pdf ] |
[23] | Marijn Koolen, Toine Bogers, and Jaap Kamps. Overview of the SBS 2015 suggestion track. In CLEF'15 Working Notes. CEUR-WS, 2015. [ bib | .pdf | .pdf ] |
[22] | Hugo C. Huurdeman, Jaap Kamps, Marijn Koolen, and Sanna Kumpulainen. The value of multistage search systems for book search. In CLEF'15 Working Notes. CEUR-WS, 2015. [ bib | .pdf | .pdf ] |
[21] | Hugo C. Huurdeman and Jaap Kamps. Supporting the process: Adapting search systems to search stages. In The Third European Conference on Information Literacy (ECIL). Tallin University, 2015. [ bib | .pdf ] |
[20] | Hugo C. Huurdeman, Jaap Kamps, Thaer Samar, Arjen P. de Vries, Anat Ben-David, and Richard A. Rogers. Lost but not forgotten: finding pages on the unarchived web (extended abstract). In DIR'15: Proceedings of the 14th Dutch-Belgian Information Retrieval Workshop, page 12. University of Amsterdam, 2015. [ bib | .pdf ] |
[19] | Hugo C. Huurdeman and Jaap Kamps. From multistage information-seeking models to multistage search systems (extended abstract). In DIR'15: Proceedings of the 14th Dutch-Belgian Information Retrieval Workshop, page 19. University of Amsterdam, 2015. [ bib | .pdf ] |
[18] | Mark Michael Hall, Hugo C. Huurdeman, Marijn Koolen, Mette Skov, and David Walsh. Overview of the inex 2014 interactive social book search track. In CLEF (Working Notes), pages 480-493, 2014. [ bib ] |
[17] | Lotte Belice Baltussen, Jaap Blom, Leïla Medjkoune, Radu Pop, Jasmijn Van Gorp, Hugo C. Huurdeman, and Leidi Haaijer. Hard content, fab front-end: Archiving websites of dutch public broadcasters. Alexandria, 25:69-91, 2014. Special issue on web archiving. [ bib | DOI ] |
[16] | Anat Ben-David and Hugo C. Huurdeman. Web archive search as research: Methodological and theoretical implications. Alexandria, 25:92-111, 2014. Special issue on web archiving. [ bib | DOI ] |
[15] | Anat Ben-David. Mapping minority web-spaces: The case of the arabic web-space in israel. In Caspi Dan and Nelly Elias, editors, Ethnic Minorities and Media in the Holy Land, pages 137-157. Vallentine Mitchell, 2014. [ bib ] |
[14] | Anat Ben-David. Israeli palestinian conflict. In Kerric Harvey, editor, Encyclopedia of Social Media and Politics, volume 9, pages 741-744. SAGE, 2014. [ bib | DOI ] |
[13] | Anat Ben-David. Speak2tweet. In Kerric Harvey, editor, Encyclopedia of Social Media and Politics, volume 20, pages 1196-1197. SAGE, 2014. [ bib | DOI ] |
[12] | Marijn Koolen, Jaap Kamps, and Hugo C. Huurdeman. University of Amsterdam at the TREC 2013 contextual suggestion track: Learning user preferences from wikitravel categories. In Ellen M. Voorhees, editor, The Twenty-Second Text REtrieval Conference Proceedings (TREC 2013). National Institute for Standards and Technology. NIST Special Publication 500-302, 2014. [ bib | .pdf ] |
[11] | Thaer Samar, Hugo C. Huurdeman, Anat Ben-David, Jaap Kamps, and Arjen P. de Vries. Uncovering the unarchived web. In Proceedings of the 37th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval. ACM Press, New York NY, 2014. [ bib | .pdf ] |
[10] | Hugo C. Huurdeman and Jaap Kamps. From multistage information-seeking models to multistage search systems. In IIiX'14: Proceedings of the Fifth Information Interaction in Context Conference. ACM Press, New York NY, 2014. Best presentation award. [ bib | .pdf ] |
[9] | Hugo C. Huurdeman, Anat Ben-David, Jaap Kamps, Thaer Samar, and Arjen P. de Vries. Finding pages on the unarchived web. In DL'14: Proceedings of the Digital Library Conference. ACM Press, New York NY, 2014. Runner up for the best paper award. [ bib | .pdf ] |
[8] | Hugo C. Huurdeman, Jaap Kamps, and Marijn Koolen. Effective metadata for social book search from a user perspective. In Working Notes for CLEF 2014 Conference, volume 1180 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, pages 543-548. CEUR-WS.org, 2014. [ bib | .pdf ] |
[7] | Patrice Bellot, Toine Bogers, Shlomo Geva, Mark M. Hall, Hugo C. Huurdeman, Jaap Kamps, Gabriella Kazai, Marijn Koolen, Véronique Moriceau, Josiane Mothe, Michael Preminger, Eric SanJuan, Ralf Schenkel, Mette Skov, Xavier Tannier, and David Walsh. Overview of INEX 2014. In CLEF 2014: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of the CLEF Initiative, volume 8685 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 212-228. Springer, 2014. [ bib | .pdf ] |
[6] | Hugo C. Huurdeman, Anat Ben-David, and Thaer Sammar. Sprint methods for web archive research. In WebSci'13: Proceedings of the 5th Annual ACM Web Science Conference, pages 182-190. ACM, 2013. [ bib | DOI ] |
[5] | Marijn Koolen, Jaap Kamps, and Hugo C. Huurdeman. Contextual suggestion from wikitravel: Exploiting community-based suggestions. In Ellen M. Voorhees and Lori P. Buckland, editors, The Twenty-First Text REtrieval Conference Proceedings (TREC 2012). National Institute for Standards and Technology: NIST Special Publication 500-298, 2013. [ bib | .pdf ] |
[4] | Marijn Koolen, Jaap Kamps, and Hugo C. Huurdeman. University of Amsterdam at the TREC 2013 contextual suggestion track: Learning user preferences from wikitravel categories. In The Twenty-Second Text REtrieval Conference (TREC 2013) Notebook. National Institute for Standards and Technology, 2013. [ bib | .pdf ] |
[3] | Anat Ben-David. The Palestinian diaspora on the Web: Between de-territorialization and re-territorialization. Social Science Information, 51(4):459-474, December 2012. [ bib | DOI ] |
[2] | Hugo C. Huurdeman, Jaap Kamps, Marijn Koolen, and Justin van Wees. Using collaborative filtering in social book search. In Pamela Forner, Jussi Karlgren, and Christa Womser-Hacker, editors, CLEF 2012 Evaluation Labs and Workshop, Online Working Notes, Rome, Italy, September 17-20, 2012, 2012. [ bib | .pdf ] |
[1] | Marijn Koolen, Jaap Kamps, and Hugo C. Huurdeman. University of Amsterdam at the TREC 2012 contextual suggestion track: Exploiting community-based suggestions from wikitravel. In The Twenty-First Text REtrieval Conference (TREC 2012) Notebook. National Institute for Standards and Technology, 2012. [ bib | .pdf ] |
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